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Super. Simple. Evaluation.

Advocating for Infants Affected by NEC Due to Infant Formula

Let Legal Injury Advocates help start your claim.

Super. Simple. Evaluation.

Advocating for Infants Affected by NEC Due to Infant Formula

Let Legal Injury Advocates help start your claim.


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Who is qualified for compensation?

Families of premature infants who developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after being fed cow's milk-based infant formulas might be entitled to compensation. Eligibility includes:

 The infant was fed cow's milk-based formula or breast milk fortifier
  Diagnosis of NEC in a premature infant
 Evidence linking NEC development to the formula used

Talcum Case Review

Start your claim with us today!

 Work with us and discover and our dedicated team of legal professionals

Simplified Process

Understanding the Claim Filing Process

Step One: Share Your Story

Share the specifics of your situation and how cow-based formulas have impacted you and your baby.

Step Two: Experienced Evaluation

Our experienced team will assess your case to determine your eligibility for a claim.

Step Three: Claim Filing

If you’re eligible, we’ll file a claim on your behalf, ensuring every detail is meticulously handled.

Step Four: Guided Legal Journey

We’re with you every step of the way, offering guidance through the legal maze and advocating tirelessly for your rights.


Frequently asked questions

Your guide to understanding the NEC lawsuit and our dedicated services.

What is NEC and how is it linked to infant formulas?

NEC is a serious gastrointestinal problem in premature infants, linked to the intake of cow's milk-based formulas, which can damage the intestinal lining.

Who can file a NEC formula lawsuit?

Parents or guardians of infants diagnosed with NEC after being fed cow's milk-based formula can file a lawsuit.

What compensation is available for NEC claims?

Compensation may include medical expenses, pain and suffering, and, in tragic cases, funeral expenses.

How do I prove the formula caused NEC?

Evidence includes medical records, the type of formula used, and expert testimonies linking NEC to the formula.

What is the statute of limitations for NEC lawsuits?
It varies by state, usually starting from the date of diagnosis or when the link to the formula was discovered.

Legal Injury Advocates is a trade name of Saddle Rock Legal Group LLC. Shannon Overcash is responsible for the content of this communication. Her contact information is Saddle Rock Legal Group LLC, 7301 N. 16th Street, Suite 102, Phoenix, AZ 85020; 1-888-666-6454. She is admitted in Arizona, and not admitted in Kentucky. Images may not depict actual events or real persons. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based on advertisements alone. FREE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Some cases may be referred to co-counsel depending on nature and venue of a particular case. In cases in which Saddle Rock Legal Group LLC associates with other counsel, Saddle Rock Legal Group LLC maintains joint responsibility for the case in accordance with the rules of the particular state and with informed consent of the client. This information does not create any legal relationship between The Saddle Rock Legal Group LLC, its lawyers, agents or co-counsel and any viewer or user. The receipt or transmission of information through such communication does not create an attorney- client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is not formed by reading this communication, by calling a telephone number appearing in an ad, by sending email communications or submitting a form. An attorney-client relationship is formed only by express written mutual agreement through a retainer contract. Your use of information through this communication is at your own risk. Under no circumstances will Saddle Rock Group LLC, any of its lawyers, agents or co-counsel be liable to you or any other individual for any special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of the use of, or access to, this information. Legal services do not include those involving Florida or Louisiana law. Cases not accepted for matters in Florida and Louisiana. All rights reserved.